
Greetings, I’m Nansey, a Translator currently living in Wuhan, China. I used to work in South and East Africa, Dubai and Beijing as an Interpreter/Translator for a couple of years. I am a fan of reading, movies, and blogging. 

I’ve been maintaining two long-term projects: the free “Translation News” providing translation news for the industry, and the paid “Translation Circle” providing translation resources for translators.

I accept any possible translation collaborations. You are free to contact me by emailing at uncouncle#gmail.com(change # to @).

我是 Nansey,曾在南非、东非、迪拜以及北京从事翻译工作,现居武汉,是一名专职译员。工作之余,我也喜欢读书,看看电影,写写博客。您可以通过发邮件到 uncouncle#gmail.com(将#换成@)联系我。


我接受任何可能的翻译合作,您可以通过发邮件到 uncouncle#gmail.com(将#换成@)联系我。


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